Saturday, October 9, 2010

What Does Jeff Hardy's Hand Symbol Mean

share with you this reflection on forgiveness.
E 'perhaps the most beautiful and accurate description of forgiveness that I have ever met.

Forgiveness is not forgetting which often means not wanting to face the reality .

Forgiveness is not weakness , ie not take into account a wrong for fear of the strongest that he has committed.
Forgiveness is not without importance in affirming what is serious, good or evil . Forgiveness is not

Forgiveness is an act of will and lucidity, and of freedom , which consists of ' welcome the brother and sister as it , despite the evil that has given us, as God welcomes us sinners, despite our flaws.
Forgiveness is not respond to the attack with the offense , but to do what Paul says: "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Rom 12, 21).
Forgiveness is to open to who makes you the wrong the possibility of a new relationship with you , then the opportunity for him and for you to start life , to have a future in which evil does not have the last word.
Only an attitude of forgiveness, even repeated, can keep the peace and unity among brothers. [...]
should be accustomed to seeing with new eyes and new for themselves, always accept, immediately and thoroughly, even if you do not repent.
You say "But this is difficult." Of course. But here's the beauty of Christianity. not for nothing that we are to follow Christ on the cross asked forgiveness from the Father to those who had given him the death, and rose again.
Courage. Let's start a life, that gives us a peace and joy never experienced unknown.

(Chiara Lubich, Word of Life - September 1999 ,
published in full on New Town 1999/15-16, p.41)

"I do not say up to seven, but seventy times seven"
(Matthew 18: 22)


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