Monday, March 29, 2010

How To Hack A Sidekick Prepaid


Here is a interesting story that I received via email some time ago ... can be a starting point to reflect the beginning of Holy Week.

There once was a man named George Thomas, was a Protestant pastor and lived in a small country.
One Easter Sunday morning he was going to church, carrying a rusty cage. The accommodation near the pulpit. The people were very shocked. In response to the wonder, the pastor began to speak .....
" Yesterday I was walking when I saw a guy with this cage. In the cage were three little birds, shivering with cold and fright. I stopped the guy and asked
'What have you there, son?'. 'Three old birds,' came the reply.
'What will you do with them?'
churches 'bring them home and have fun with them,' replied the boy.
'Li tease and tear so the feathers will fight. I will have fun a lot '.
'But sooner or later get tired of them. So what will you do? '.
'Oh, I have cats,' the boy said. 'They like birds, they'll give it to them'.
The pastor was silent for a moment.
'How much for these birds, son?' .
'What ??!!! Why, not want them, Lord, are birds of the field, nothing special. Do not sing. They are not even beautiful ! '
'How much?' the pastor asked again. Thinking
was mad, the boy said, '500 € '.
The pastor took € 500 from his pocket and put them in the hands of the boy . Like a lightning
the boy disappeared.
The pastor took the cage and gently went to a camp where there were trees and grass. He opened the cage
with kindness and giving the birds

This explains why the empty cage next to the pulpit.
Then he began to tell this story:
" One day Satan and Jesus were talking. Satan had just returned from the Garden of Eden, was arrogant and swelled with pride.
'Yes, Lord , I just caught the whole of humanity . I used a trap that I knew would not have found strength, I used a lure that is excellent. I took them all! '

'What will you do with them?' asked Jesus
Satan said, 'Oh, I have fun with them! Teach them how to hate and hurting each other , like drinking and smoking and swearing.
teach them to manufacture weapons of war, guns and bombs and kill each other. I'll enjoy a world '
'And then, as you're done playing with them, what do you do?' He asked Jesus
'Oh, kill them! 'Satan said with pride.
'How much for them?'
Jesus asked, 'But go, do not want these people. I'm not good, they are bad.
you take them and I hate it. You spit upon him, cursing you and kill you. No, you do not want them! '

'How much?'
Jesus asked again Satan looked at Jesus and sneered said 'All your blood, all of your tears and your life'.
Jesus said, ' DEAL DONE! '
And then paid the price

(Unknown Source -
Unfortunately, despite having done research, I could not find the source of this story. If anyone knew it, I would be grateful if the reads, writes in a commmento or by sending a message )

[UPDATE: It was reported that this story is published in the book:


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